Read and Comment on the Plan

Please follow this link to read to the Submission Version of the Neighbourhood Plan and the other submission documents on the City Council website. The page also contains evidence documents that we have used to develop the Plan (you can also read these on the Evidence & Docs tab of this website).

Please follow this link to comment - it takes you to the City Council's consultation page.  All comments will be considered by the independent Examiner who will carry out the Examination of the Neighbourhood Plan.

If you prefer to read the Plan on paper, there will be a copy at the Parish Office in the Village Hall, 158 Main Road, Broomfield CM1 7AH.  Normal opening hours are 10am to 12 noon on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  There will also be a copy of all the submission documents at the City Council's Customer Service Centre at the Civic Centre, Duke Street, Chelmsford CM1 1JE.