Potential New Open Space East of Saxon Way

Published: 31 January 2023

Opportunity for 4 hectares (10 acres) of New Public Open Space on unused land East of Saxon Way.  Including new cycle & footpath to Valley Bridge, access to the Broomfield Anglo-Saxon Burial site and sustainable landscape enhancements. Alongside a Community Facility (affordable housing for existing Broomfield people who need it and/or possibly a GP surgery), designed in farmhouse/barn style (area: 1.25 ha). 


Tell us what you think - Q.22 at : https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/BroomfieldNP/ .  For more info see the draft NP:   https://www.broomfieldnp.org.uk/READ_THE_PLAN__and__COMMENT_38225.aspx p.34/5 and p.47-9.