Mind the Gap!

Published: 09 January 2023

      The ‘Felsted Field Gap’ is the field that separates Broomfield Village from the Chelmsford Urban Area (which includes the southern part of the Parish).   Here’s a map:


It gets wider as you go further west, but it’s very narrow where it adjoins Main Road, opposite Clobbs Yard.


You Said:

In the Residents’ Questionnaire, you told us:

  •         You like the fact that Broomfield has a separate ‘feel’ and identity from Chelmsford (84% of responses)
  •          You value ‘the natural break between Broomfield and other settlements’ that the countryside provides (93% of responses).



So We Did:

Felsted Field is the narrowest point of the gap between Broomfield and Chelmsford settlement. If it was built on, we would lose a strategic piece of countryside and Broomfield village would be completely joined up with Greater Chelmsford, on both sides of Main Road. For many local people, Broomfield’s sense of identity would be sharply reduced.

So, the draft Neighbourhood Plan designates an area from Main Road to School Lane as a Settlement Buffer. This means that development would only be allowed if it can demonstrate that it doesn’t have a visual impact on the gap.

The Plan also proposes improving the bank along the roadside to increase the visual impact of the Gap and the view across the fields:


Plus planting wildflowers and tidying the hedgerow to enhance its attractiveness; and putting in a row of sleepers to stop the gradual slippage of soil onto the pavement.


Tell us What You Think:

You can read more on pages 25/6 of the Plan.

Policy BFD1 ‘Preventing Coalescence’ proposes having a Settlement Buffer

Community Action CA1 ‘Enhancing the ‘Felsted Field Gap’ proposes enhancing the bank to improve visibility and attractiveness.

Please answer Questions 3 and 4 in the Consultation Response Form to tell us if you support these proposals.

Also send us a message via Contact Us if you’d like to help with any project to enhance the Gap.